


【悲報】大規模音楽フェスでデルタ株の変異株誕生か イギリスで行われた『ブロードマスターズ・フェスティバル』






出典:イギリスの音楽フェスで4700人感染の可能性(TBS系(JNN)) - Yahoo!ニュース

@salv_at_ore this was the broadmasters festival last week, over 50,000 went (including influencers) and if u zoom in there is minimal masks. there is also the reading festival next week which 100,000 people are going to. how come a party of probs less than 50 is the big issue? https://t.co/kjHuUno12M

2021.08.21 23:56:38

Broadmasters festival with @gorillaz was really special. So grateful. https://t.co/8GzysGGLVz

2021.08.18 04:53:22

音楽フェスの集まりが変異種を生み出したと恐怖のニュースに。 t.co/egaM3qr77K

2021.08.30 08:37:46


📍Breaking—Fears growing that a new #DeltaVariant subvariant has emerged after 5000 young people infected from attending a 53,000 music festival in Cornwall—linked genetically to a Delta subtype. The region now has the highest #COVID19 rate in England. 🧵

2021.08.30 07:27:36


2) “It was traced because they can identify where it came from by genetic changes in the code.” While it is being referred to among hospital staff in Devon and Cornwall as the “festival variant”, it is believed to be a new strain of Delta rather than an entirely new variant.”

2021.08.30 07:27:36

"コードの遺伝子変化によってどこから来たのかを特定できるため、追跡されました。" デボンとコーンウォールの病院スタッフの間では「フェスティバル・バリアント」と呼ばれていますが、全く新しい変種ではなく、デルタの新しい株であると考えられています。"

3) ““It’s still the Delta variant but they can say it came from the festival, hence why it is being called the ‘festival variant’,” added the official.
The South-west peninsula now home to eight of the top ten areas in England with the highest rates of infection.

2021.08.30 07:27:37

デルタ型であることに変わりはありませんが、彼らは祭りから来たと言うことができるので、"祭り型 "と呼ばれています」と関係者は付け加えた。

4) “The figures also show that around half of all infections in England are among those under 30, with the highest rate of infection now in the 10 to 19-year-old age bracket.” ⚠️

2021.08.30 07:27:37


5) “Cornwall Council has already linked almost 5,000 Covid infections to Boardmasters, with local health officials saying they “won’t know the complete picture for another few days.”

2021.08.30 07:28:58


7) Speaking in a personal capacity, Professor Drury said: “Different mass events have been found to be associated with very different rates of infection, and one factor explaining this is the crowd culture.”

2021.08.30 07:32:26


8) And we can expect greater physical intimacy– touching, close interaction, hugging, sharing drinks etc – at a music festival than at other large events.

2021.08.30 07:32:26


9) “One of the key reasons that some people are engaging less with these basic protective behaviours is that the Government has basically said ‘it’s safe now, it’s fine, you’re not going to die’. We need to support new norms around safety at the festivals.”

2021.08.30 07:32:27


10) Dr Zubaida Haque, a member of Independent Sage, added: “The thing about mass gatherings is that people are right to think outside is safer than inside, but it’s the travelling back and forth to the mass gatherings that’s one of the main issues.

2021.08.30 07:32:27

Independent SageのメンバーであるZubaida Haque博士は、「大規模な集会については、屋内よりも屋外の方が安全だと考えるのは正しいことですが、大規模な集会への往復が大きな問題のひとつです。

11) If that mass gathering is for several days, like a music festival, then there’s also going to be a lot more contact between people, which give the virus more opportunity to spread.”

2021.08.30 07:32:27


12) Has this sort of mass superspread we thing happened before? Yes, recently after Eurocup soccer matches where young people gathered. t.co/6T8fsrbDDt

2021.08.30 07:39:08


13) Music festivals are incredibly dangerous it’s seems. Netherlands epidemics after music festivals show even higher infection rates. t.co/hxnfoaVoVn

2021.08.30 07:40:22


14) the @WHO has even specifically warned about sporting events and mass gatherings, even if seemingly outdoors. It’s the side gatherings and after hour events most dangerous. t.co/PnpRkxXAAR

2021.08.30 07:41:42
