【動画】レバノン ベイルート爆発事故の衝撃波がヤバい・・・ 原因は硝酸アンモニウムか
中東 レバノンの首都ベイルートで4日、大規模な爆発があり、これまでに73人が死亡し、日本人1人を含む3700人がけがをしたと明らかにしました。レバノン政府は倉庫に保管されていた化学物質が爆発したと説明しています。
Videos show a powerful explosion and its aftermath in Beirut. Many roads have been blocked by debris, forcing wounded people to walk through the smoke to hospitals. t.co/MPn4Z6HZPM t.co/cXOxlNj5IB
Videos show a powerful explosion and its aftermath in Beirut. Many roads have been blocked by debris, forcing wounded people to walk through the smoke to hospitals.
— The New York Times (@nytimes) 2020年8月4日
@nytimes Massive explosion in Beirut t.co/HGyaZQTK8X
@nytimes Massive explosion in Beirut
— Nacho Rueda (@ignacio09949240) 2020年8月4日
The video of the #Beirut port explosion that has hit me the hardest. A first hand perspective of what it felt like that has been circulating on WhatsApp. t.co/8PvZivqGXR
The video of the #Beirut port explosion that has hit me the hardest. A first hand perspective of what it felt like that has been circulating on WhatsApp.
— Tala Alrajjal (@tala_alrajjal) 2020年8月4日
Another angle of the gigantic explosion in Beirut, this video was taken a few meters from the explosion. The death toll is 73 dead and 3,500 injured. t.co/6y2bPWPk2a
Another angle of the gigantic explosion in Beirut, this video was taken a few meters from the explosion. The death toll is 73 dead and 3,500 injured.
— Anonymous (@YourAnonOne) 2020年8月4日
A detailed view of the heavy explosion that occurred in Beirut Lebanon😥 t.co/DyBQysfCI7
A detailed view of the heavy explosion that occurred in Beirut Lebanon😥
— Harry🌚 (@blaq_melanie) 2020年8月4日
“Mom Please I don’t want to Die”
A Lebanese child in Beirut today 💔😭
“Mom Please I don’t want to Die”
— StanceGrounded (@_SJPeace_) 2020年8月4日
A Lebanese child in Beirut today 💔😭
#BeirutBlast #beirutexplosion
#Beirut #Lebanon
My heart goes for this African maid, who ignored her own life, and tried to safe her employer’s child.
Not all angels have wings 🕊
#BeirutExplosion #لبنان #Beirut t.co/IfkhDN2iOZ
#BeirutBlast #beirutexplosion
— SANTOSH💞💥 (@santoshkr_08) 2020年8月4日
#Beirut #Lebanon
My heart goes for this African maid, who ignored her own life, and tried to safe her employer’s child.
Not all angels have wings 🕊
#BeirutExplosion #لبنان #Beirut
The massive explosion that happened earlier in the Lebanese capital Beirut
#BBNaijaLocdown2020 t.co/qBiMraKQfW
The massive explosion that happened earlier in the Lebanese capital Beirut
— Sayrah (@SayRahChipss) 2020年8月5日
Beirut explosion aftermath... t.co/5FKBkzv6Uz
Beirut explosion aftermath...
— Rex Chapman🏇🏼 (@RexChapman) 2020年8月5日
See the touchdown💯
Can you see what I’m seeing, probably @realDonaldTrump is right
Pray for Beirut, Lebanon 🙏
#Lebanon t.co/5nPlpHb5i4
See the touchdown💯
— Osei Michael Kuffour (@OseiMichaelKuf1) 2020年8月4日
Can you see what I’m seeing, probably @realDonaldTrump is right
Pray for Beirut, Lebanon 🙏
Why 3K tons of ammonium nitrate was kept in a cracker factory mid of the denced city if it was a blast from that chemical and not something more lethal as per the footage of the shockwave and mushroom cloud shows #BeirutBlast #explosion #Beirut t.co/mi6OSJ3HQA
Why 3K tons of ammonium nitrate was kept in a cracker factory mid of the denced city if it was a blast from that chemical and not something more lethal as per the footage of the shockwave and mushroom cloud shows #BeirutBlast #explosion #Beirut
— Takallum Baig (@TakallumBaig) 2020年8月5日
2750 tons of ammonium nitrate (mostly utilized as a fertilizer) was stored at the Beirut port, ammonium nitrate has an RE factor of 1/0.74 compared to TNT. Meaning the explosion likely had a yield of 2 kilotons TNT equivalent, effectively the yield of a tactical nuclear warhead. https://t.co/HguORaWxOf
「化学的事実:爆発物には衝撃波が拡大する特徴的な"爆発速度"があります。スマホ動画は(通常)1秒30コマで記録されるので、この写真は1コマ(1/30秒)100m、1秒で3000mの拡大を示唆しています。これは硝酸アンモニウムの特性と一致。兵器用火薬類(black powder)ではありません」
これはすごい。スマホの動画は30fpsなので、そこから爆発の衝撃波の速度を計算できる。推定される衝撃波の速度は3,000m/秒で、それに基づくと爆発したのは黒色火薬ではなく硝酸アンモニウムを示唆するという分析(笑) かっこいい。 t.co/wMMM26UuOK
爆発の原因の有力説。2013年、モルドバの旗を掲げた船が2,750トンもの硝酸アンモニウムをモザンビークに運搬中、船舶に技術的な問題が発生してベイルートに停泊。所有者は船を放棄し、乗組員を置き去りに。レバノン人は港で硝酸アンモニウムを船から降ろし、倉庫に置きっ放しであった。 t.co/YbzYNrXCaW