【無差別テロ】ニューヨーク・ブルックリンの地下鉄駅でガスマスク男が発煙装置を投げて銃撃 少なくとも16人負傷 犯人は逃走中 現地の画像
出典:NY地下鉄で銃撃、少なくとも16人負傷…現場に爆発装置のようなものも : 国際 : ニュース : 読売新聞オンライン
Imágenes del tiroteo en el metro de Brooklyn, en Nueva York, donde al menos 13 personas resultaron heridas
Imágenes del tiroteo en el metro de Brooklyn, en Nueva York, donde al menos 13 personas resultaron heridas
— Joaquín López-Dóriga (@lopezdoriga) 2022年4月12日
Former NYPD sergeant Joseph Giacalone joins @CNNnewsroom to discuss the subway shooting in Brooklyn, New York where there are currently 13 injured and at least 5 shot. For live updates: t.co/s7flP955tu t.co/bikOO1TiSB
Former NYPD sergeant Joseph Giacalone joins @CNNnewsroom to discuss the subway shooting in Brooklyn, New York where there are currently 13 injured and at least 5 shot. For live updates:
— CNN (@CNN) 2022年4月12日
In #Brooklyn, #NewYork multiple people were shot in and around a #subway station. One of the wagons had a smoke device detonated, but there were no bombs found. A number of people are seriously injured. The gunman has yet to be apprehended. #USA t.co/1xu7kE9lZR
In #Brooklyn, #NewYork multiple people were shot in and around a #subway station. One of the wagons had a smoke device detonated, but there were no bombs found. A number of people are seriously injured. The gunman has yet to be apprehended. #USA
— 🅽🅴🆆🆂🅵🅻🅰🆂🅷 🆃🅵 (@newsflash_TF) 2022年4月12日
#Brooklyn #Subway #NewYork #NYCsubway #NYC t.co/XRZxcsR93R
#Brooklyn #Subway #NewYork #NYCsubway #NYC
— BlackPepper666 (@BlackPepper666) 2022年4月12日
Il se passe des choses étranges à New York ! #TimesSquare #Brooklyn t.co/2mQE3EY9fO
Il se passe des choses étranges à New York ! #TimesSquare #Brooklyn
— Kunta van den Kinté (@denkinte_2) 2022年4月12日
Breaking: Multiple people shot at Brooklyn subway station t.co/d9aXW7TkUE
Breaking: Multiple people shot at Brooklyn subway station
— Morning Joe (@Morning_Joe) 2022年4月12日