


【銃乱射事件】ロシアの都市ペルミの大学で銃乱射事件 8人死亡19人怪我 犯人はSNSで犯行声明 生徒たちが窓から逃げ出す映像も

ロシアの都市ペルミの大学で銃乱射事件 8人死亡19人怪我 犯人はSNSで犯行声明 生徒たちが窓から逃げ出す映像も


【銃乱射事件】ロシアの都市ペルミの大学で銃乱射事件 8人死亡19人怪我 犯人はSNSで犯行声明 生徒たちが窓から逃げ出す映像も



Gunman attacks a university in the Russian city of Perm. Deaths and injuries being reported.

Faculty and students were filmed jumping out of windows t.co/DyNHPEaLwR

2021.09.20 16:00:15

MORE: Unconfirmed reports say the #Perm shooter is an 18-year-old lone-wolf attacker who left a note describing his act on social media


2021.09.20 16:34:28

There was a shooting at Perm University, reportedly by an 18-year-old with what appears to be a shotgun. The initial reports indicate that as many as five people may have been killed and 11 wounded. The shooter has been detained.
t.co/W6bUrFgOFF t.co/LAOeppMyux

2021.09.20 16:29:10

Another video of the shooter at Perm University. 2/
t.co/yLa3EwYvl0 t.co/blfcTofUXZ

2021.09.20 16:32:23

Стрілянина в Пермському державному університеті рассєї.
Інформація про потерпілих уточнюється.
🔥Telegram - t.co/GLExONwd4u t.co/EOKIPLuzHN

2021.09.20 15:57:53

Reports of shооting at Perm State University in Russia. Students seen jumping from windows to escape #Russia #PermUniversity t.co/mbUCOL9LVV

2021.09.20 16:36:00

BREAKING: Gunman has opened fire at Perm University in Russia, shooting has reportedly killed 5 people t.co/YhAkCZMpQ2

2021.09.20 16:52:05

UPDATE: Eight people were confirmed killed, six injured in a shooting on the campus of a university in the Russian city of Perm

t.co/gV0sv3xUdE t.co/0IIUBUxUls

2021.09.20 17:01:27

The gunman attacked a university in Perm, #Russia. Reported deaths and injuries. Faculty and students were filmed jumping out of windows t.co/QHN4trtCl3

2021.09.20 17:08:04

#BREAKING : Death toll rises in Perm State University shooting with at least 8 dead, Russian Investigations Committee report

#BreakingNews #Russia t.co/1wCjGQaEqX

2021.09.20 17:08:32

#BREAKING #russia #attacker.
Video of the alleged shooter walking across campus

"Lock the door!"
"He just shot someone!"
A man who appears to have been shot can finally be seen. t.co/QdSr1dIJWg

2021.09.20 17:11:38

a shooter shooting a man at the entrance to Perm University in Russia
#Russia t.co/Pz8k0XdMAL

2021.09.20 17:12:16

opened fire in one of the buildings of Russia’s Perm State University, Few persons heavily injured: Sources said

#Russia #PermStateUniversity t.co/1li7aQ8Ysr

2021.09.20 17:13:37

UPDATE: 8 people killed, 19 injured, gunman has been arrested, according to Russian authorities.

2021.09.20 17:03:51