ミャンマー ヤンゴンに軍が火の玉を落とし街に火事が発生 現地の画像・動画
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb15Coup t.co/sYRzL9Cxzs
— MoH (@Mohmohmz) 2021年2月14日
#WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb15Coup
日本人が多くいるヤンゴンテイラワ経済特区の近くのStarCityで今日の夜火事が起きた原因↓ #ミャンマー#現在#Starcity t.co/UTvB9et1rT
日本人が多くいるヤンゴンテイラワ経済特区の近くのStarCityで今日の夜火事が起きた原因↓ #ミャンマー#現在#Starcity
— NannSu ナンス (@NannSuAnna) 2021年2月14日
#SaveMyanmar https://t.co/QJwv2yOvo1
Some people telling me from #Yangon #Myanmar that places allegedly set on fire. Video sent to me is a golf course at Star City being deliberately set on fire they say. Neighborhood slightly upper class with some foreigners living there #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar t.co/e1gsWy6vYP
Some people telling me from #Yangon #Myanmar that places allegedly set on fire. Video sent to me is a golf course at Star City being deliberately set on fire they say. Neighborhood slightly upper class with some foreigners living there #WhatIsHappeningInMyanmar
— May Wong (@MayWongCNA) 2021年2月14日
@MayWongCNA Fire started by the Flare Gun. This must have been deliberately set up by the Myanmar Military since it happened in the curfew period. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #HearTheVoiceOfMyanmar #CrimeAgainstHumanity t.co/KUElL8Oy45
@MayWongCNA Fire started by the Flare Gun. This must have been deliberately set up by the Myanmar Military since it happened in the curfew period. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #HearTheVoiceOfMyanmar #CrimeAgainstHumanity
— Chaw Mon (@t01_mon) 2021年2月14日
Appears not just smoke bombs but some are telling me that it's tear gas fired in #Myitkyina northern #Myanmar #Kachin state. During 1 live stream, I also saw a group of citizens running to a well to wash their faces/eyes and they were visibly choking #WhatishappeninginMyamar https://t.co/m7SXxsgU7I https://t.co/O1gCig3xTH
発煙弾だけでなく、催涙ガスが発射されたと言われている人もいます#Myitkyina北部#Myanmar#Kachin状態。 1回のライブストリーム中に、市民のグループが顔や目を洗うために井戸に駆け寄り、目に見えて窒息しているのも見ました。#WhatishappeninginMyamar
Now live stream by an anti-#military protester in #Myitkyina #Kachin #Myanmar where it looks like authorities just fired a few smoke bombs to try and disperse protesting crowd. Pictures are blurry as internet connection is not good & protester is running #WhatishappeninginMyamar https://t.co/boNTUl3Rfj
Heard at least 3 gun shots fired in #Kachin #Myitkyina during a live stream by 1 of the anti-military protesters. That sent people scrambling into backyards. The protest crowd at this hour wasn't visibly huge. Kachin state has long experienced civil war #WhatishappeninginMyamar https://t.co/VNC0sAwpBr
Police say more than 15 officers injured & 11 #Thailand anti-government protesters arrested at #GrandPalace after the clash tonight. At least 10 flash bangs/homemade explosive devices & smoke bombs were tossed at police that I saw #ม็อบ13กุมภา #whatishappeninginthailand t.co/kJ9sfvRN0m
Police say more than 15 officers injured & 11 #Thailand anti-government protesters arrested at #GrandPalace after the clash tonight. At least 10 flash bangs/homemade explosive devices & smoke bombs were tossed at police that I saw #ม็อบ13กุมภา #whatishappeninginthailand
— May Wong (@MayWongCNA) 2021年2月13日
#Thailand anti-government protest at #GrandPalace got ugly again as some of them refused to leave after leaders had asked all to disperse. This forced police to move in physically. But no water cannons fired from police. #ม็อบ13กุมภา #whatishappeninginthailand t.co/iTa0NLCheQ
#Thailand anti-government protest at #GrandPalace got ugly again as some of them refused to leave after leaders had asked all to disperse. This forced police to move in physically. But no water cannons fired from police. #ม็อบ13กุมภา #whatishappeninginthailand
— May Wong (@MayWongCNA) 2021年2月13日
Clash again at #Thailand anti-government protest at #GrandPalace #ม็อบ13กุมภา #whatishappeninginthailand t.co/dygfTmluww
Clash again at #Thailand anti-government protest at #GrandPalace #ม็อบ13กุมภา #whatishappeninginthailand
— May Wong (@MayWongCNA) 2021年2月13日
#Thailand anti-government protesters at #GrandPalace pushed aside barbed wires and metal barricades. Taking a wait and see approach now #ม็อบ13กุมภา #whatishappeninginthailand t.co/y2ZzGS6drt
#Thailand anti-government protesters at #GrandPalace pushed aside barbed wires and metal barricades. Taking a wait and see approach now #ม็อบ13กุมภา #whatishappeninginthailand
— May Wong (@MayWongCNA) 2021年2月13日
Senior Indochina Correspondent @ChannelNewsAsia (Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos) Formerly based in Myanmar. Now Bangkok and around the region