


Googleコアアップデートが完了 みんなの阿鼻叫喚具合を見て心を癒やしてください

The May 2020 Core Update rollout is complete.


2020.05.19 01:37:57




2020.05.19 02:23:15

@searchliaison Thanks @GoogleDE that was the worst Core Update ever! What was Google even thinking?

ありがとう @GoogleDE それは史上最悪のコアアップデートでした!グーグルは何を考えていたのですか?

2020.05.19 01:41:59

@searchliaison Seems like Google has some unethical affair with Pinterest and Reddit. Highly researched and nicely optimized contents are outranked by 100-200 words of gibberish. I have seen sites ranking without even a full paragraph in the page. Unbelievably rubbish update.


2020.05.19 02:57:09

@searchliaison Could you try turning it off and on again please?



2020.05.19 01:53:31

@searchliaison Yup. Complete and flawed as hell.


2020.05.19 01:40:50

@searchliaison This is the worst core update ever. It is time for all publishers and any other person out there who depend on Google search engine to come together. There is nothing to be lost by coming together. Think about it.


2020.05.19 02:44:41

@SteHughes90 @sadowski_roman @searchliaison Will force those that saw the benefits of that update, to turn to Google paid ads if they want to maintain the improved revenue stream. The classic $4 billion monthly revenue tactic used by most businesses. 🤪


2020.05.19 02:55:44

@searchliaison Well, this was a horrible update for us. You basically took away all the efforts we put on renewing our website in april, we had great results (both in traffic and conversions) despite Covid19 making things difficult. All is gone now. What's next?


2020.05.19 02:57:10

@Suppbewertung @searchliaison @GoogleDE Exactly, I am in the Software (SaaS) base industry. All Services and software keywords ranked for Blogs, Wikipedia and Gov't sites. Seriously. If someone is searching for best """ software companies. He definitely not looking for blog or Wikipedia.

まさに、私はソフトウェア(SaaS)ベース産業にいます。ブログ、ウィキペディア、政府のサイトでランク付けされたすべてのサービスとソフトウェアのキーワード。真剣に。誰かが最高の "" "ソフトウェア会社を探しているなら、彼は間違いなくブログやウィキペディアを探していません。

2020.05.19 04:10:10


@searchliaison Search for “fishing game” in uk. Amazon 3 listings, argos 2 listings. This can be new normal?

イギリスで「釣りゲーム」を検索します。 Amazon 3のリスト、argos 2のリスト。これは新しい正常なものですか?

2020.05.19 02:04:21

@sadowski_roman @searchliaison I get 4 amazon results.


私は4つのアマゾン結果を得ます。 すごい...

2020.05.19 02:10:29

@SteHughes90 @sadowski_roman @searchliaison We get 3-4 for our main kws. We’ve found this changes with each core update. Sometimes we’re above amazon, sometimes we’re below.

When there are 3-4 amazons listings, we’re often pushed off page 1 which now only has 8 traditional organic listings.

Google revenue tactic?

メインのkwsには3〜4が割り当てられます。コアの更新ごとにこの変更が見つかりました。時々私たちはアマゾンの上にいます、時々私たちは下にいます。 3〜4個のアマゾンリスティングがある場合、ページ1から押し出されることが多く、現在は8つの従来のオーガニックリスティングしかありません。 Googleの収益戦術?

2020.05.19 02:45:12

@jeffbenzenberg @searchliaison I also noticed similar results with amazon, where some keywords would result in amazon listings being returned twice with virtually the same content.


2020.05.19 03:26:14

@searchliaison Lost all traffic and keywords were no were and the useless websites are ranking where no content optimisation no backlinks and no nothing just scrapped contents are ranking , wow great google, such a worst update you made.


2020.05.19 04:09:57

* May 2020 Core Update *

Google makes multiple tests of algorithms before it becomes stable when updating their algorithm.

Don't fix anything now if you are dancing... Just go as usual with your way.

If it didn't recover in 4 weeks, then do some research on what can be done

2020.05.08 19:48:37



