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2019.06.13 20:07:45

White House: We are aware of reports of an attack on ships in the Gulf of Oman and assess the situation t.co/5sxYHLFwBE via @AlArabiya_Brk #Iran

2019.06.13 20:24:45

DOD official: USS Bainbridge was nearby when the attack happened. A tug took on board mariners from Kokuka Courageous and then transferred them to USS Bainbridge where they are now in Gulf of Oman t.co/0SK6yahaZZ via @barbarastarrcnn

2019.06.13 20:40:52

Aerial footage shows one of the oil tankers targeted in the Sea of Oman t.co/axPHGJ0M4I t.co/Odei9QYDSj #Iran

2019.06.13 20:59:13

USS Bainbridge has 21 mariners on board from commercial cargo vessel that had to abandon ship after being attacked in Gulf of Oman. USN P-8 on station overhead conducting surveillance t.co/5fxv5EB0Sz via @barbarastarrcnn #Iran

2019.06.13 20:59:18

Twelve Russians sailors were evacuated from a tanker in the Gulf of Oman - Russian Seamen's Union t.co/wATOshtsaw #Iran

2019.06.13 21:26:11

Aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln had been in port in Oman and had just returned to sea Thursday - same day two oil tankers attacked in Gulf of Oman t.co/jkAFpGWj5j via @LucasFoxNews #Iran

2019.06.13 23:04:29

ホルムズ海峡付近で日本のタンカーが攻撃された。さあ、九条の会の出番ですよ。 https://t.co/ws1TRCPUv1

2019.06.13 23:19:50

⑤戦争惹起させたい日米の策略 t.co/dDT4K4XRTt

2019.06.13 23:09:26

タンカー攻撃、ホルムズ海峡で日本のタンカーが攻撃を食らった模様、画像拾ってきた。 https://t.co/M9GpbVI0xd

2019.06.13 23:01:59