








2018.09.25 13:29:40


数学において、リーマン予想(リーマンよそう、英: Riemann hypothesis, 独: Riemannsche Vermutung)は、リーマンゼータ関数の零点が、負の偶数と、実部が 1/2 の複素数に限られるという予想である。ドイツの数学者 Bernhard Riemann (1859) により提唱されたため、その名前が付いている。名前は密接に関連した類似物に対しても使われる。例えば有限体上の曲線のリーマン予想。リーマン予想は、英語表記 Riemann hypothesis の直訳であるリーマン仮説と表記したり、RH と略すこともある。

出典:リーマン予想 - Wikipedia

Atiyahさんによるリーマン予想の証明がたったの5ページ。 https://t.co/46JrctYHLO

2018.09.24 21:01:02

つづき https://t.co/feFqrutSUP

2018.09.24 21:01:52


2018.09.24 21:14:07

Incidentally, here is the proof. You're welcome. #HLF18 https://t.co/cXe2mPyFfB

2018.09.24 17:24:52

On volumes of published work, Euler definitely beats Riemann, 73:1. #HLF18 https://t.co/ajuBHy81m3

2018.09.24 16:52:56

"Solve the Riemann hypothesis, and you become famous; if you're already famous, you become infamous." #HLF18 https://t.co/cii8Mvz4LR

2018.09.24 16:56:03

Today's #HLF18 film tip is "The man who knew infinity," which Atiyah says is enjoyable even if one is not partial to prime numbers. https://t.co/MkKaIkaVQt

2018.09.24 16:58:17

Those of us not still thinking about why Hardy was holding an umbrella in sunshine are now invited to think about the different collar styles of Hadamard and Selberg, and also about immortality. #HLF18 https://t.co/pZmYFGCjHT

2018.09.24 17:00:52

Also, quaternions. #HLF18 https://t.co/WoMgeLEJzy

2018.09.24 17:02:18

The most succinct beautiful formula in mathematics. The mathematical equivalent of "To be or not to be", short and deep. #HLF18 https://t.co/Q7l0SNdG16

2018.09.24 17:05:37

Afraid that at this pace, though enjoyable, we might indeed be heading for "I have found a beautiful proof, but it is too long to fit into this 45 minute talk". #HLF18

2018.09.24 17:06:50

The plural of genius might be genii, but it sounds confusingly like Djinn. Also, there is no conservation law for geniusses. #HLF18

2018.09.24 17:08:19

Also, the button for the laser pointer was unfortunately close to the button for jumping back to the first slide. We're back on track now, though. #HLF18

2018.09.24 17:09:13

When you do something, you want to do things beautifully. Sometimes, this involves choosing a kyrillic letter such as "zh". #HLF18

2018.09.24 17:11:01

Now we are getting to the meat of the matter, the Todd function. A "very very clever function" that maps Euler's equation to its quaternionic generalization, and is defined by an infinite iteration of exponentials. #HLF18 https://t.co/4xm9GTOrXA

2018.09.24 17:14:54

Infinite iterations are dangerous territory, but von Neumann tells Atiyah it's OK, and Atiyah is taking von Neumann's word for it. So that's apparently alright then. "Magnificent animal", the Todd function. #HLF18

2018.09.24 17:16:33

Atiyah didn't set out to prove the Riemann Hypothesis. He was trying to derive the fine structure constant (yes, that thing from physics). The RH was just a bonus. #HLF18 https://t.co/vaPpOgot19

2018.09.24 17:19:03

After Atiyah had found the fine structure constant value, he put his feet up, opened the champagne, and realized he had accidentally proved the Riemann Hypothesis. #HLF18 https://t.co/dIqBps5VV5

2018.09.24 17:23:02

The audience is getting some homework. #HLF18 https://t.co/SXz98IMXwK

2018.09.24 17:29:08

First question from audience: will Atiyah claim the Millenium problem prize? Atiyah says: yes, he deserves the prize. #HLF https://t.co/vNsGibie0H

2018.09.24 17:31:07

Also, Atiyah will now retire. #HLF18

2018.09.24 17:31:55

Uh-oh. Question from audience about when this will be published. Atiyah claims ageism, says his papers will be rejected before he is too old. This is problematic. #HLF18

2018.09.24 17:33:11

Also, Atiyah claims that people are unfairly dismissive of new ideas - in this case, the weird infinite series of series thingy that defines the Todd function. #HLF18

2018.09.24 17:34:34

So, let's not get carried away. Next, we need a write-up of the proof. Say, something like this: t.co/il50fmY9MD (thanks to Thilo Kuessner for the pointer). #HLF18

2018.09.24 17:48:29

Then, a peer-reviewed article. Peer review in pure mathematics tends to be rigorous - after all, you cannot ask a peer reviewer in physics to repeat the experiment described, but you *can* ask a mathematics reviewer to check each step of a proof. #HLF18

2018.09.24 17:50:07

And needless to say, in this case, a reviewer had better be very, very thorough. That pesky Todd function really has it coming, for sure. Von Neumann or not. #HLF18

2018.09.24 17:51:31

Also, the Clay Institute has very appropriately set the bar even higher. Not only does your proof need to be published in a peer reviewed top journal. They then wait 2 years. #HLF18

2018.09.24 17:54:20


1) 証明の論文はたった5ページであること。
2) 証明は微細構造定数を導出するという物理学上の研究から、副次的に得られたこと。

2018.09.25 07:23:33


2018.09.24 20:16:30

なんかアティヤ先生が論文中で「リーマン予想の証明にはZFは不十分で選択公理を必要とする」とか書いてるみたいなことが目に入ったんですけど、そこだけは確実な誤りですよね? リーマン予想はΠ_1文なので、Shoenfield絶対性から、もしZFCでRHが証明可能なら必ず選択公理なしでもRHは証明できるので。

2018.09.25 16:28:14



2018.09.25 12:13:20

4時間ほど前(09/24 09:45 CEST)、 Heidelberg Laureate Forum という会議において、「150年間未解決だったリーマン予想をついに証明した」という爆弾発表が行なわれたらしい。本物だろうか。 t.co/BhSgkow4Cf

2018.09.24 20:29:18


TL上で話題のリーマン予想について、Todd 関数は

T(γ)/γ = T(π)/π




T(π)=1/α= 0.160259...



2018.09.25 11:22:51

Here is Atiyah's lecture: on the Riemann Hypothesis


Here, apparently, is his paper:


It refers extensively to this much longer paper, where he attempts to compute the fine structure constant:


2018.09.25 00:58:34

@johncarlosbaez Erm, combining Atiyah's Eqs. 1.1 and 7.1 in that PDF gives a number that is very, very different from the fine structure constant... or its reciprocal... https://t.co/I1tUHWAI8Z

2018.09.25 01:18:28

Tomorrow Atiyah will talk about his claimed proof of the Riemann Hypothesis.

It's all about "the music of the primes". Here the function that counts primes < n is being approximated by waves whose frequencies come from zeroes of the Riemann zeta function.

(continued) https://t.co/lzNDyXo3Im

2018.09.24 06:30:47

The Riemann zeta function is given by this simple formula when the complex number s has Re(s) > 1. Then the sum converges! But we can "analytically continue" the Riemann zeta function to define it for other values of s, and that's where the fun starts.

(continued) https://t.co/E6fUwdfNJF

2018.09.24 06:38:07

The Riemann zeta function is zero for some numbers with 0 < Re(s) < 1. These are called the "nontrivial zeros" of his zeta function. Riemann computed a few and hypothesized they all have Re(s) = 1/2.


2018.09.24 06:49:59

Riemann found a formula for the number of primes < n as a sum over the nontrivial zeros of the zeta function. My first tweet shows the sum over the first k nontrivial zeros.

So, if the Riemann Hypothesis is true, we'll get a better understanding of primes!

(continued) https://t.co/CbTvsCV1VE

2018.09.24 07:07:30

I bet that Atiyah's claimed proof, if and when he writes it up, will not convince experts.

In 2017 he claimed to have a 12-page proof of the Feit-Thompson theorem, which usually takes 255 pages:


He showed it to experts, and... silence.


2018.09.24 07:44:05

In 2016 Atiyah put a paper on the arXiv claiming to have solved a famous problem in differential geometry. The argument was full of big holes:


So, I'm not holding my breath this time.

But of course I'd be happy to be wrong.

(the end)

2018.09.24 07:50:57


