【訃報:自殺か】ゾンビボーイ(リック・ジェネスト32)さん死去 全身タトゥーで有名なモデル 彼女もゾンビ「ガガ、ツイッターで悼む」
レディ・ガガのヒット曲「Born This Way」のMVで有名になったRickGenestが自殺
https://t.co/0hO4VXTxif https://t.co/4Yux1sa753
Aún no lo creo, #RickGenest quien no tuvo miedo de mostrar quien era, romper barreras y aceptarse en todos los aspectos #RIP https://t.co/FT1Lxd06aD
The suicide of friend Rick Genest, Zombie Boy is beyond devastating. We have to work harder to change the culture, bring Mental Health to the forefront and erase the stigma that we can’t talk about it. If you are suffering, call a friend or family today. We must save each other. https://t.co/THz6x5JlpB
500RT:【訃報】全身タトゥーのモデル、ゾンビボーイさん死去 自殺か
#ゾンビボーイ #RickGenest
気にかけてあげるべき時代なんだよな。 https://t.co/QdSoGHk5WR
ゾンビボーイの話題・最新情報 t.co/InAWmfsJGG ゾンビボーイに関するニュース・速報一覧。ゾンビボーイの話題や最新情報を写真、画像、動画でまとめてお届けします。2018/08/04 - 「ゾンビボーイ」自殺か=カナダのタトゥーモデル - 【ニューヨーク時事】「ゾンビボーイ」の名で知られるカ…
ご冥福をお祈りします→ 全身タトゥー ゾンビボーイを化粧で元の姿へ t.co/TD3tQmYeVt @YouTubeより
全身タトゥー ゾンビボーイを化粧で元の姿へ t.co/nwbQXGPGIG @YouTubeより
【"訃報速報"!!!"ゾンビボーイさん"死去"!!!】"全身タトゥーモデル"自殺か"!!! t.co/GLC0r4L3z9 @YouTubeさんから
お悔やみ申し上げます。 https://t.co/EDnu384owv
"全身タトゥー ゾンビボーイを化粧で元の姿へ" を YouTube で見る t.co/Jo0JesKsFD
精神的に病んでいたんだろうな・・・ "@livedoornews: 【訃報】全身タトゥーのモデル、ゾンビボーイさん死去 自殺か
モントリオールの自宅にて遺体で発見された。死因は正式に発表されていないが、カナダメディアなどは「自ら命を絶った」と報道。 ;
Lady Gaga - Born This Way t.co/zZYJSMnuhb @YouTubeより
"We have to work harder to change the culture, bring Mental Health to the forefront and erase the stigma that we can't talk about it," Lady Gaga said of model Rick Genest, who appeared in her "Born This Way" video. https://t.co/eK9of5OGMQ
— ulises (@tlatompiras) 2018年8月4日
I did not know that Rick Genest's zombie tattoo was real real.
— Janet Fabi, CPA ★ (@redscribblercpa) 2018年8月4日
Well that's beyond the point now tho, the point is mental health is a serious issue that the we need to talk about upfront. We should listen more to people sufferring and not avoid them. https://t.co/Eaulz6GXwk
R.I.P Rick Genest https://t.co/r5PLc6DeJN
— tattooer apprentice REN (@rensqmq) 2018年8月4日
Hallan muerto al modelo Rick Genest, más conocido como 'Zombie Boy', en su casa de Canadá https://t.co/HkWEdrPmWq
— Veo Cotilleo (@VeoCotilleo) 2018年8月4日
We love you Rick Genest. Always been a fan. We love you.
Donc j’apprends que Rick Genest aka Zombie Boy est décédé.. très bien.
Un pelotudo sin educación comentando en la foto que puse de Rick Genest.
Escribió "Izo algo por la humanidad?"
Si, escribió asi.
Yo le contesté que si, que lucho para que la gente no sea tan pelotuda cuando habla sobre enfermedades mentales.
Sentite tocado, bobo.
The suicide of friend Rick Genest, Zombie Boy is beyond devastating. We have to work harder to change the culture, bring Mental Health to the forefront and erase the stigma that we can’t talk about it. If you are suffering, call a friend or family today. We must save each ot… https://t.co/CgCzXUMxmb
#RTA Revelan detalles de la muerte de 'Zombie Boy'. Rick Genest, de 32 años, fue encontrado sin vida al pie de su apartamento en Montreal.... t.co/irwPM6WHgW
Zombie Boy: los dos récords Guinness que deja Rick Genest y cómo se veía sin tatuajes t.co/zFYPnEGVqZ
Şarkıcı Lady Gaga da arkadaşı Genest'in intihar ettiğini doğrulayarak taziye açıklaması yaptı. Lady Gaga Twitter'dan yaptığı açıklamada “Arkadaşım Rick Genest'in intiharı kahredici olmanın da ötesinde. Bu kültürü... t.co/4cl7ZRsfnT
@PatriarchTree Perhaps some material for a post, i.e., why would someone commit suicide at 32, while seemingly living in a rarefied celebrity fashion/glamour dream world? Or maybe that’s exactly why. #ZombieBoy #RickGenest 😔 t.co/onamBVliP4
R. I.P. Rick Genest
Rick Genest, Tattooed Model Known as Zombie Boy, Dies at 32
Rick Genest, Tattooed Model Known as Zombie Boy, Dies at 32 by t.co/dCC1fAQz5Y #zirigozacom #CD t.co/TaOSxVCuSb
Tattooed Model Rick Genest DEAD @ 32 t.co/91TlUCELf9 #rip #Tattoo #Model #RickGenest
Tattooed Model Rick Genest DEAD @ 32 t.co/uZhVkB08S0 #rip #Tattoo #Model #RickGenest
"I didn't do this because I wanted to be different. I did this because I wanted to be myself" - Rick Genest